Thursday, July 13, 2006

Mother Nature Hates Me

I may look like I have stopped posting, or stopped flying. Well I did, but only because I haven't flown in like two weeks for multiple reasons. My flight school has has a lot of maintence squawks that seem to take the A&P forever to fix. Also the weather has been so not nice to me. For example I was scheduled to fly last night at 9pm to work on my night flight stuff. My wife was even going to ride along. The weather in downtown Chicago looks terrible, clouds at about 600ft. So I call my CFI. He tells me that is is perfect out my PWK. I verify this my checking the latest METAR from PWK. So my wife and I drive the 20 miles out to the airport burning 3.46 a gallon gas :(. When we get there a huge fog bank is rolling in and put PWK smack dab in IFR condidtions. I am scheduled to fly again tonight and will hopefully be doing my first dual x-Country.


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